About Us

ordinary Australians of diverse backgrounds seeking a more participatory democracy

Our concern

is for the state of our democracy. Democracy is more than Canberra. An informed and involved grassroots will lead to better solutions every time over blindly following the few who feel only they know best.

Our belief

is ‘democracy starts with me’, that we can all make a difference. “A single seemingly powerless person who dares to cry out the word of truth with all his person and all his life has surprisingly greater power than do thousands of anonymous voters.” – Vaclav Havel, former Czech President imprisoned by the communists.

Our goal

in our national parliaments and local councils is to help elect independents who have demonstrated the 5 tests. For the Senate and Upper Houses to operate as a genuine houses of review, AIM for political integrity allows independent candidates to run on the basis of a common commitment to core values, whilst being independent in the way they vote.

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Meet the founders